Harvey and Sam Puppet Company
About Us
Contact Us
Live Shows

Schedule your live performance today or view a performance on YouTube. Subscribe on YouTube at Harvey and Sam Puppet Company!!!
The Harvey and Sam Puppet Company started in 1984 under the direction of puppeteer Mike Dickson. Mike Dickson is a 1982 graduate of Anderson University (Anderson, Indiana) and majored in Religion. The Harvey and Sam Puppet Company serves churches and communities with educational and fun 30 minutes puppet performances. The Harvey and Sam Puppet Company has performed at Artscape, Light City Baltimore and several other festivals. Several churches and schools have hosted the Harvey and Sam Puppet Company for over thirty years. 
​Office and studio location.
Harvey and Sam Puppet Company
Suite 405A
10632 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Follow the Harvey and Sam Puppet Company on social media.

YouTube - Harvey and Sam Puppet Company 

​Company moto
Be Like Joshua
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”